The Top 10 Jordan Peterson Tips on Relationships & Love

Jordan Peterson's love and dating advice

Statistics reveal a sobering truth: 40-50% of first marriages in the United States end in divorce, and the odds are even less favorable for second marriages, with rates climbing to 60-67%. It’s clear that for many, the journey of marriage is weighed down with challenges that are not easily overcome. Dr. Jordan Peterson’s relationship advice comes as a guiding light for many. He offers practical wisdom that resonates with partners navigating the unpredictable path of love.

The quest for love and deep connections in life goes beyond just romance. It touches every corner of our social fabric. Dr. Jordan Peterson, who is known for his thought-provoking insights on human interactions, provides helpful advice and quotes on love and relationships, which offer solid strategies for those seeking to deepen their connections with others.

10. Openness and Honesty

Openness and honesty are key to a lasting relationship. Jordan Peterson believes that while no relationship is free from conflict, being truthful and open can prevent small issues from turning into bigger problems later on. 

He suggests that partners should feel safe to share their thoughts and feelings while knowing they can trust each other. This trust is what helps clear up misunderstandings and move past them without holding grudges. It is important for both partners to listen to their partner’s honest feelings and thoughts and to take them seriously so that any conflicts can get resolved for good.

Jordan Peterson has been on former Navy SEAL Jocko Willink’s podcast. Where does he land on this list: The 15 Greatest Jocko Podcast Episodes of All-Time

9. Keep the Romance Alive

Peterson points out that romance doesn’t just happen. It needs to be kept alive through effort and attention. Setting aside time for one another is essential for a relationship to grow and for romance to flourish. 

He suggests that couples should make time for dates regularly, as a way to stay connected. He even recommends setting aside scheduled time for physical intimacy – even when it seems like there are more important things to prioritize. This keeps the foundation of the relationship alive for a long time.

“Romance requires trust and the deeper the trust the deeper the probability for romance,” is one of many Jordan Peterson quotes on love that ties back into open communication as a foundation for romance. Being honest and fully transparent leads to trust on both sides, which allows romance to develop and the spark to stay alive.

8. Commitment and Teamwork

Reaching the full potential of a relationship requires commitment and teamwork. Peterson stresses the importance of both partners committing to the relationship and working together towards shared dreams and goals. 

“You need to tangle your life together with someone,” is one of Jordan Peterson’s quotes on relationships, “it makes you stronger in times of weakness, you have two brains instead of one, it’s helpful when things are complicated.” This joint effort makes the relationship stronger and more resilient. 

It is especially true in marriage, but any relationship in which two people love each other should act together – as a team. 

A lot can be learned from Jordan Peterson’s first book (I’ve read it and found it outstanding), a New York Times best-seller, available on Amazon:

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson (Amazon)

7. Facing Conflicts Together

Peterson suggests that facing conflicts is a healthy part of any relationship. Instead of avoiding arguments, he recommends using them as opportunities to grow stronger together.

When both partners talk honestly about their disagreements, they can understand each other better and find solutions that work for both. This kind of open communication can actually make a relationship more solid and can prevent further conflict and keep larger issues from building up in the future.

Also see: Jordan Peterson: What Does He Think About God and Religion?

6. The Promise of Marriage

Peterson sees marriage as more than just a legal agreement, it is a important event of public display that shows commitment for each other. Inspired by Carl Jung, he believes marriage is a sacred promise to support each other through everything life brings. 

“I will trust you – I will extend my hand to you – despite the risk of betrayal, because it is possible, through trust, to bring out the best in you, and perhaps in me,” he says. This promise is about lifting each other up and having the freedom to be one’s true self with one’s partner. 

This might mean having to risk getting hurt or betrayed but this vulnerability and trust is exactly what nurtures the bond between two people and brings out their desire to be on their best behavior. 

5. Understanding Jealousy

Jealousy is not just about not trusting someone. For Peterson, it is often a sign that we feel insecure or challenged personally. One partner might be jealous of the other partner’s success or achievements.

He advises looking inside ourselves to understand why we feel jealous. Dealing with their own insecurities helps people trust their partners more and makes relationships stronger and more supportive.

4. Learning to Negotiate

A key piece of Jordan Peterson’s relationship advice is that learning how to negotiate is essential in a healthy relationship. It is not just about talking things out. It is about understanding each other’s needs, finding common ground, and coming to agreements that work for both people. 

When both partners feel listened to and respected, they are more likely to find solutions that make them both happy. It is not about winning an argument, but about working together to win as a team.

Also see: What is Jordan Peterson’s IQ? His Exact Score and Percentile

3. Strong Families Through Tough Times

Peterson and his wife, Tammy, show that being a parent means being strong, especially when things get tough. They believe in mixing firm guidance with understanding. 

Their own experiences, like supporting their daughter Mikhaila through an autoimmune disorder, prove that sticking to your family’s core values can help everyone get through hard times. Peterson says it is vital for parents to be on the same page, so they can teach their kids to be disciplined and strong enough to handle whatever life throws at them.

Did you know that Joe Rogan has his own autoimmune disorder? See my article: Joe Rogan’s Revealing Battle with Vitiligo on His Hands

2. Turning Resentment into Growth

Jordan Peterson understands that resentment can damage relationships. However, he believes it can also be a sign that something deeper needs to be fixed, like feeling overlooked or not growing up in some areas of life. 

By facing these issues, resentment can actually lead to personal growth and better relationships. Peterson encourages using these tough feelings to start honest discussions that can help both partners understand each other better and make their relationship stronger.

1. Celebrating Good Actions

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in relationships. Recognizing and appreciating good actions encourages more of the same behavior. This approach aligns with Jordan Peterson’s relationship advice.

Peterson strongly believes in the power of positive reinforcement – this is the idea of noticing and appreciating the good things our partners or children do. He says that when we praise someone for something specific they’ve done well, it encourages them to keep doing it. 

Often, the things a partner does well go unnoticed, while the things a partner does not do well get noticed and criticized. Instead of falling into this cycle of punishment, the method of positive reinforcement proves to be much more effective and uplifting.

This kind of recognition builds a positive atmosphere and helps relationships grow stronger. It taps into a basic human need to be appreciated, which makes it an important part of building loving and supportive bonds.

Also check out Jordan Peterson’s second book, available on Amazon:

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson (Amazon)


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